Written by Administrator
Monday, 18 April 2011 |
(* important) Tapur will stop working after release Skype 6.11 in December 2013. Skype have announced that they decided to retire the Desktop API in December 2013. Tapur and other all add-in apps will stop together. https://support.skype.com/en/faq/FA12349/skype-says-my-application-will-stop-working-with-skype-in-december-2013-why-is-that Tapur may be continue working ,If you use old version Skype(ex, 6.8). But I'm not sure. (About Optional features) About purchased users after December 2012. If you can't use optional function into expiration date even by old version Skype, We can refund by your proposal after release Skype6.11. |
Last Updated ( Friday, 11 October 2013 )