Tapur compatibility issue |
Written by Administrator
Sunday, 12 June 2011 |
*Tapur2.3 Skype5.x may be hung up with using Tapur2.3 often. You have to install Tapur 5.x after the uninstall of Tapur 2.3. *Tapur2.3/5.x After the install of DivX codec on Windows7, Tapur2.3 can't record and play video and Tapur5.x can't play video sometime. Because Tapur5.x can record normaly, you can play it by WindowsMediaPlayer and more. *Tapur2.3/5.x Some other Skype addin software for recording may cause problem when Tapur try to record. These software seems to communicate with skype exclusively.
Last Updated ( Sunday, 12 June 2011 )