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[Setup for answering service - Launch Program] PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 26 July 2010

You can run the exension program when answering response.
The exension program is executed at the end of call (before disconnection). You can pass the recorded file or caller's information as arguments.


[Mail Forwarding]
You can transfer the recorded audio file as email attachments.

You don't need to change [Program path] and [Arg] 5,6 usually.
You have to input your e-mail setting (SMTP server) to [Arg] 1-4.
If your SMTP server has SSL authentication, you have to input [Arg] 7,8.

*This program is writen in VB Script. You can edit it.

(Ex.) Gmail


[FTP Forwarding]
You can upload the recorded audio file to FTP server.



[User Program]
You can use any program.
If you choose from the list of [Arg],  Tapur generate the argument dynamically at runtime.
If you write the argment directly, it is treated as a fixed string.


Last Updated ( Sunday, 01 August 2010 )
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