What's videoecho123 ??
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 21 September 2009


Maintenance of videoecho123 was difficult technically, and I decided to finish this service.
It is one of the reasons that I was disappointed at recent Skype.
For example, the abolition of Skype Extra or suit over Skype.

20.Sep.2009  Yamamoto Tatsuya (www.tapur.com)

videoecho123 is automatic video test service for Skype.
Have you heard about echo123 ?
It's Skype sound test service. videoecho123 is just video version of echo123.
You can test your Skype video function on your own.

videoecho123 is based on Tapur(Answering Agent for Skype) and ryu's FCS(Virtual Desktop Camera) technology.
Please check both Tapur(http://www.tapur.com/) and FCS(http://nyanyan.to/202.html) website.

*This service has nothing to do with Skype and is managed by tapur.com.
Last Updated ( Monday, 21 September 2009 )